With so many other options out there...
What makes Camp Gan Israel UNIQUE, SPECIAL & DIFFERENT?



Our staff are not your traditional camp staff that you will find elsewhere. Our counselors are not here as a summer job, rather they were hand picked from the most caring and dedicated individuals from around the world who chose to spend their summer making a difference. They are completely devoted to giving their campers a meaningful and fun camp experience through strong personal connections, warmth and trust. A bond that often stays strong even long after the camp season is over.

Our staff are trained to provide quality care for each individual camper. Each counselor is given the tools to deal with the social and emotional aspects to be a role model, coach and friend for the children in their care. Our commitment to small staff/camper ratio in addition to small group size helps us provide exceptional supervision and care.

If for no other reason, choose Camp Gan Israel for the staff!


At Camp Gan Israel children have the opportunity to experience the beauty and excitement of Judaism in a joyful and non judgmental environment. They get to understand Jewish life and traditions through the living example set by the counselors and staff.

The camp program is designed with special themed activities to enhance the Jewish experience. Whether they are learning about a Jewish Holiday, charity or friendship; campers are being taught Jewish values through fun, hands on activities. CGI is the chance to play games while learning about our identities and have a blast too!

Camp Gan Israel is the place for every Jewish child, our campers are multi denominational and range from observant to the unaffiliated but all hold in common our rich Jewish heritage and love for Israel.


Campers at Camp Gan Israel are not limited to one specific subject or field. With the inclusion of our specialty workshops, our camp becomes a science camp, swimming camp, sports camp, trip camp, adventure camp and more all in one! Workshops are taught by professional teachers who bring their area of expertise to our campers. Martial arts, dance, music, gymnastics, theater and art are just some of the variety of skills they may get to practice.

This assortment allows children to shine in a specific area or learn that they enjoy an activity they have never experienced. By the end of the summer they may find a new hobby or activity that they had never before had the opportunity to explore.