
Staff Application Form

  • The dates for Summer Camp this year are August 4-21, 2025.

    Staff must arrive on Thursday, July 31 and leave Friday, August 22. Head Staff must be going into seminary or Post-Sem. Counselors must be going into 11th or 12th grade or older. Junior Counselors are going into 9th or 10th grade.

  • CGI at The Shul welcomes all staff applications. Please keep in mind that we receive more applications than positions available. Each application will be reviewed and considered. We will be choosing our staff based on their qualifications and suitability for our program.

    Please fill out ALL relevant information to the best of your ability. Incomplete applications may not be reviewed or accepted. All complete applications will undergo a careful review process, including reference checks.

    For help filling out this form or any other staff inquiries please contact Rabbi Yishai Eliefja at [email protected] or Rochel Leah at [email protected].

    Complete job descriptions are available by contacting our office.

  • Medical Information:

  • Past Work History

    Provide a record of recent camp history (paid and volunteer). Include all information including dates, camp, position, names, and contact information of supervisor.
    Minimum, one year required.

  • References

    Give names and contact information of at least two people (not relatives) having knowledge of your character, experience, work habits, and ability.

  • Harassment

    The camp's policy is to prohibit all forms of harassment by our employees. This includes sexual, racial, religious, adn all other forms of harrassment.

  • Authorization to Invest

    I authorize investigation of all statements herein, including any checks of criminal records, and release the camp and all others from liability in connection with same. I understand that, if employed, I will be an at-will employee unless there is an agreement or law which alters that status. Furthermore, I understand that any agreement must be in writing and signed by the designated camp official. I also understand that untrue, misleading, or omitted information herein or in other documents completed by the applicant may result in dismissal, regardless of the time of discovery by the camp.

  • Pick a Date
  • Should be Empty:
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